Perfect Family Tales And Other Trivia

The art of the short-story writer is that of the cartoonist. It is the magical craft of creating entire worlds with a few simple strokes of a pen. Tales told by an idiot? Maybe! But my tales are also a mix of reality and fantasy; truth and lies; some based on my own family; others, not. Readers must guess which characters are real; who are inventions - and who are an amalgam of both. Please draw the boundaries for yourself.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Just Nippon Out for a Banana!



Mr Martin Pavelka knows it's important to have a banana.

Do You?

In  my sagacious opinion, both Mr Pavelka and Telegraph Travel should have contacted Miss Aviva Brackman for advice.

Let's just say that it's as well that august personage has never flown by All Nippon Airways.

Discover why in:

It's Important to Have a Banana and Other Bites of Bendy Flash.

Available as an e-book very soon.

© Natalie Wood (03 May 2017)

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